Painting Workshops

One of my favorite Paint & Petals events was hosting a painting workshop right on the sales floor of Anthropologie Walnut Creek. Together we hosted 14 amazing women who were interested in learning new painting techniques. Each participant left the workshop with two or three completed floral paintings. I brought my personal set of Paint & Petals x Anthropologie samples to use as water bowls and table displays. I also brought fresh flowers from Diablo Foods. Students were able to create a still life painting by looking directly at the floral arrangements or they could add their own unique twist to one of my designs. I hope to teach more large workshops. I’m available to teach private lessons at peoples homes too.
Stopping by Anthropologie is on of my favorite things to do! Anthropologie is always updating their displays. They are masters at keeping the store visuals fresh, inspiring and totally creative! I live close to the Anthropologie in Walnut Creek. When I hosted my painting workshop at Anthropologie Walnut Creek, I was delighted to see my Paint & Petals X Anthropologie collaboration displayed in a new way and taking over an entire display section.
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